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What Libraries Are Used in UBB.threads? · Article

What Is Covered

Libraries Currently Utilized
Libraries Formerly Utilized



The following libraries are utilized in UBB.threads for their listed functions.


Libraries Currently Utilized

• BoxOver - BoxOver (now abandonware by its author) uses JavaScript/DHTML to display tooltips on a website. It is responsible for overlaying a data box on your mouse pointer when the Topic Tooltip Preview is enabled. BoxOver was introduced in v7.3.
FontAwesome - Most of the Font Icons utilized in UBB.threads are provided by the FontAwesome Icon Set.
Smarty Template Engine - The Smarty Template Engine is the system that parses our template files for display to the users browser.
Lightbox 2 - Lightbox2 is a JavaScript/CSS media viewer.
Shareaholic - Shareaholic was introduced in v7.5.8 to help your users share content to outside sources such as Facebook, Google+, and many other services.
Stop Forum Spam - The Stop Forum Spam coding was added in v7.5.8 Refresh 2 and enhanced in v7.6.0 to include full login page protection. Overall this plugin checks users against a large database of spammers to help keep your forums clear of spam.


Libraries Formerly Utilized

html5shiv - html5shiv is utilized to allow HTML5 in outdated versions of Internet Explorer. - Removed in v7.7.2
Shadowbox - Shadowbox is a JavaScript/CSS media viewer.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on March 15th, 2015 · Updated on March 28th, 2020
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