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Hosting UBB.threads on an Intranet or Private Network

An inquiry was recently made at UBBCentral regarding hosting UBB.threads on a private network (intranet) with no access to the internet; basically asking if any UBB.threads features would be unavailable for them.

UBB.threads uses several APIs for various features, such as:
Stop Forum Spam for validation of user IP addresses against a database of known spammers.
Shareaholic for sharing forum topics with social media partners.
Recaptcha for presenting your users with a CAPTCHA image provided by the Google Recaptcha service.
IP Geolocation API for reverse Geo-IP address lookups for User Registration and Last Login IPs using the IP Geolocation API.

Additionally, there are several other features that can utilize outside networks in UBB.threads:
• UBB.threads News & Announcements (Control Panel landing page)
• Facebook & Twitter Social Sharing
• User Submitted Location Lookup
• IP Address Lookup

So, if one were to host UBB.threads on an intranet connection you would want to disable:
• Stop Forum Spam (CP -> Master Settings -> Primary -> Stop Forum Spam Tab)
• Shareaholic (CP -> Display -> General -> General Tab -> Social/Sharing Settings)
• Facebook & Twitter Social Sharing (CP -> Display -> General -> General Tab -> Social/Sharing Settings)
• Recaptcha (CP -> Display -> General -> General Tab -> CAPTCHA Settings)
• User Location Lookup Service (CP -> Master Settings -> Features -> Lookup Services)
• IP Geolocation (CP -> Master Settings -> Features -> Lookup Services)
Note · UBB.threads News & Announcements
You cannot disable the UBB.threads News & Announcements feature on the Control Panel landing page, it'll simply not display news items when on a connection that cannot communicate with

Posted By Gremelin Posted on August 14th, 2019
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