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UBB.Threads v5, v6, v8 Release Dates · Wiki

v2.7.1 - 07/15/1998

UBB.threads v5
5.5 - 01/18/2002
5.5.1 - 01/30/2002 -or- 02/21/2002

UBB.threads v6
6.0 - 06/05/2002
6.0.1 - 06/16/2002
6.0.2 - 06/30/2002
6.0.3 - 08/16/2002
6.1.0 - 09/22/2002
6.1.1 - 10/04/2002
6.2.0 - 01/08/2003
6.2.1 - 01/21/2003
6.2.2 - 02/06/2003
6.2.3 - 03/04/2003
6.3.0 - 06/10/2003
6.3.1 - 07/20/2003
6.3.2 - 08/22/2003
6.4.0 - 12/07/2003
6.4.1 - 01/07/2004
6.4.2 - 03/17/2004
6.4.3 - 07/21/2004
6.4.4 - 08/23/2004
6.5.0 - 09/21/2004
6.5.1 - 02/11/2005
6.5.2 - 08/16/2005
6.5.3 - 05/03/2006
6.5.4 - 05/29/2006
6.5.5 - 05/30/2006

UBB.threads v8 (Never Released)
8.0 Alpha 1 - 06/07/2010
8.0 Alpha 2 - 09/02/2010
Posted By Gremelin Posted on April 13th, 2018 · Updated on May 7th, 2018
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