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Forum Permissions · Wiki


• Permissions are a very powerful method to distribute unique user permissions to individuals. When used in conjunction with the Groups feature in UBB you can just about do anything you want. The only issue with this is the more complicated you make the groups and permissions the harder it is to keep track of them.
• Permissions for forums, site and control panel are assigned to groups not users per say. So you would create the groups then assign permissions to the groups then assign users to the groups.
• In this case you assign group permissions to each individual forum. This allows you to assign what groups can see or use what forum as well as what features they are allowed to use in each forum.

Forum Permissions

• Login to your board as a admin.
• Select the Control Panel link on the left.
• Scroll down to the Permissions Section and select the Forum Permissions link.
• On this screen you will see:
     • All fields require a numeric value. Enter 0 to disable and 1 to enable, [b]unless otherwise specified[b]. If a user belongs to multiple groups, a indicates the user will get the highest permission, a indicates they will get the lowest. If you enter a -1 for any specific permission, then a user will not have that permission even if they belong to other groups that do have it set.
• Also this screen is slightly different than the other permissions screens.

Forum Permissions Tab

• On this tab you can edit a specific forum's permissions.
• But first you must first select the intended forum you wish to edit and select the switch button, From the Currently editing permissions for field.
• If you wish to copy the permissions from another forum. The next line allows you to do so. Select The forum to copy from in the Copy Permissions from field and select the copy button.
• In both cases above you will still need to select the Update this forum's permissions button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Mass Permissions Copy Tab

• On this tab this option allows you to select a existing forum permissions and selectively copy them to multiple forums from a list of all of your existing forums.
• Select the forum permissions you wish to copy from the Copy Permissions from field.
• Then check each forum you wish to copy the permissions to.
• Then select the Proceed with Copy button.
As with all permission settings this does not have a undo feature. So if you make a mistake you will need to go to each forum's permissions and change them.

Editing Forum Permissions

• Now down to actually editing the permissions.

Can see forum

• This feature allows you by forum what group can view the forum. It only allows the group to view the forum not topic views.
• Enter a value for each group you have. 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
• Enabling this only allows the group to see the forum not posts within.

Can reply to existing topics

• This feature allows you by forum what group can post replies to a forum topics.
• Enter a value for each group you have. 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
• Enabling this only allows the group to reply to a existing post.
• This would be a useful feature if you only want one group to start a topic and only allow another group to just reply to topics.

Can Download attachments

• This permission will allow the group to download the attachment in a post.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Maximum size of file attachments

• This permission sets the maximum file size the group is allowed to upload.
• Enter a value in bytes. So if you desire to allow a 1 MB file size for this group to upload you would enter a value of 1048576.

Can create Polls in Topics

• This permission will allow a group to create a poll in a topic.
• if you wish a group to also create a poll in a reply, See Can create Polls in Replies.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so

Can post using Markup/UBBCode

• This permission will allow a group to enter Markup/ubb code in their post.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so

Must view Ad Island

• This is a odd permission where if you elect to add a Custom Island Insert in a forum. Usually a ad, This will make the group see the insert. If you don't enable this permission the group or groups will not see it.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so to view the island.

Delete Topics

• This permission allows a group to delete any topic in the forum.
• Probably this permission would be best served by only allowing a Moderator or Admin group to do so.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so to delete a topic.

Can create sticky topics

• This permission allows a group to create a sticky topic.
• Probably this permission would be best served by only allowing a Moderator or Admin group to do so.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Can read topics

• This permission requires that the above "Can see forum" permission is enabled.
• This will allow the group to see the topics posted in the forum.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Minimum time between posts

• This permission will set how often a Group can post a topic or reply.
• Set the value to the number of seconds a group member must wait before posting again.
This could be called a flood check which is available also on a per user basis in the member management section of the control panel.

All new posts are moderated

• When this is set, any new posts made by users in this group will need to be approved before others can view them. Typically the approval would be by a assigned moderator or admin.
• Probably this permission would be best served by only allowing a Moderator or Admin group to do so.
• So enter a 1 to enable the restriction of the group or a 0 to disable the restriction of the group from doing so.

Total # of gallery images

• This permission is only used in Gallery forums. It has nothing to do with other forum features that have to do with other uploads such as attachments.
• If this forum is a gallery forum, this setting dictates the max number of images that can be attached to a single post.

Can create Polls in Replies

• This feature will allow a group to create polls in a reply to any topic.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Delete post time limit

• This is a setting in minutes and specifies how long a post can be deleted after it was initially created.
• This setting will only apply to the posting by the group the user is in and only apply to that persons posts.
• So enter a time value in minutes such as 5 for five minutes.

Can lock topics

• This permission will allow a group to lock a topic to prevent any new replies.
• Probably this permission would be best served by only allowing a Moderator or Admin group to do so.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Delete any post

• This permission will allow a group to delete any post made buy others.
• Probably this permission would be best served by only allowing a Moderator or Admin group to do so.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Can approve moderated posts

• If you elected the permission above, "All new posts are moderated" Then you will need to allow a group to approve the posts to be visible to others.
• Probably this permission would be best served by only allowing a Moderator or Admin group to do so.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Can create new topics

• This permission will allow a group to post new topics in the specified forum.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Posts require CAPTCHA

• This permission will require the group to use the CAPTCHA method to create a post.
• This permission is usually used for groups such as guest, Where the user is not a pre-approved member.
• So enter a 1 to force the group to use CAPTCHA or a 0 to allow the group to post without it.

Total # of file attachments

• If set to 0 this will disable file attachments for this group in this forum.
• So enter a 0 to disable all attachments or a value such as 3 to enable the group to make three attachment uploads in one post.
This is still limited by your php.ini file on the maximum.

Maximum size of gallery images

• This permission setting only applies to a Gallery forum. Not a regular forum.
• Enter a value in bytes. So if you desire to allow a 1 MB file size for this group to upload you would enter a value of 1048576.

Can post using HTML

• This allows the group to use any HTML tags in a post. This can be a security risk for regular users.
• Probably this permission would be best served by only allowing a Moderator or Admin group to do so.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Edit post time limit

• This is a setting in minutes and specifies how long a post can be edited after it was initially created.
• This permission pertains only to the posting by the user in the group they are in.
• So this setting gives them a grace period to edit their own post for corrections.
• So you would enter a value of 0 to not allow a edit at all or a value of say 10 to allow the group to edit their own post for 10 minutes.

Can move topics

• This allows the group to move topics posted by others to other forums.
• Probably this permission would be best served by only allowing a Moderator or Admin group to do so.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Edit any post

• This allows the group to edit any posts by others within this forum.
• Probably this permission would be best served by only allowing a Moderator or Admin group to do so.
• So enter a 1 to enable the group and a 0 to disable the group from doing so.

Finished editing

• When complete select the Update this Forum's Permission button.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on October 4th, 2014 · Updated on August 12th, 2016
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